Shomer HaZikaron - שומר הזיכרון
In honor and tribute to Israel's first hero since the Zealots of the Matzadah, Prime Minister Gen. Dr. ARIEL SHARON (Sh"lyta)


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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A Veritable Medley

Posted on: Friday, January 21, 2005

OK, back to my rants. And who other to piss me off but our dear settlers. About a week ago a group of them violently assaulted a Tzahal officer who intercepted them as they were very courageously doing their bit for Eretz Yisrael by plastering idiotic little post-its around a Sch'chem Army base under the cover of darkness. The motherfuckers sat in their auto and backed right into the officer, mowing him to the ground. I'm really SO indignant I cannot describe it to you. I've tried volunteering with Tzahal to participate in the evacuation of these assholes come spring time, but you gotta be an Israeli resident for that. Shit. I was so looking forward to taking it to these lowlifes with a truncheon. No, I'm not violent in any way and I've to date not managed to come to hate anyone--thankfully--but these scoundrels need someone to give them a good beating. This was not an isolated incident either. Every single day there's a confrontation somewhere between the settlers and our khayalim or shoterim. And remember, these are not your donut-munching piglets who occasionally show us how tough they are by beating the shit out of some poor African European kid or abusing a be-hijabed lady. Oh no, these are real heroes who risk their lives daily to protect these ungrateful assholes. They've stopped protecting Israel quite a while back because Israel no longer needs protection (except in the north). Now the only reason we need such a huge army is to perpetuate the occupation. And Israel is perpetuating the occupation for the benefit of the settlers... - who wantonly attack Israel's soldiers without a second thought!! I used to think the vast majority of settlers were crazed immigrants who made aliyah primarily from North America. However, only four per-cent. of American olim settled in the territories last year. This only confirms that the settlers--especially religious ones--are no more than a lunatic fringe which is saddling Israel with a totally unacceptable cost. The occupation must cease and the disengagement is the first right step in the right direction.

Speaking of the Palestinians, the past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster ride for those of us who still have some hope that the conflict can be resolved, and soon. First Mahmood Abas gets elected as PA chairman on a non-violence ticket. He won with a landslide. Unfortunately, only a few days later Chamas staged a murderous terrorist attack which claimed six civilian victims and they kept showering Sderot with Qassams on a daily basis. Tzahal responded and it seemed that the vicious cycle of tit-for-tat would resume. But then Mr. Abas bestirred himself and pledged to put an end to the shelling by deploying PA police into the troublesome areas of Aza. This should be done in the next couple of days so fingers crossed. But there have been two other piece of excellent and propitious news. First off, an opinion poll conducted among the Palestinians shows a marked change in their attitude and aspirations. In essence, the vast majority of them would now support a deal along the lines of the Geneva Accord in whose favor I am, too. The same is the case among Jews. Differences remain but the foundations are there and they're solid. Read the full poll analysis here.

The second development occurred today. Chamas has made the revolutionary step of recognizing Israel's 1967 borders and modifying its goal to now be the creation of a Palestinian state, as opposed to the destruction of Israel. Of course, one is not deluded into believing Chamas has become a peace partner. This statement is as much the result of pressure from Mr. Abas, from emasculation of the terrorist outfit after Israel had dealt it severe blows in the past months and from the probable dawning on them that a settlement will have to be reached because neither side is going anywhere, as it an attempt to save face and participate in the building of the Palestinian nation. Nevertheless, although tentatively, the Palestinian side seems to be taking steps toward reaching peace.

And lastly more news from Croatia regarding the Catholic church there. Apparently, a few vicars--or whatever they're called--have been sending out letters to their parishioners demanding they pay the church alms. Some have demanded a particular sum (about 7% of the average local monthly salary!!) but all have threatened their parishioners to the effect that they would not be able to avail themselves of the services of the church (eg. christenings, weddings and burials) if they do not comply. Hahahaha...what can be said to this? If you're such a schmuck to give deference to that church, then don't be surprised when they screw you over. You deserve it.

Phew, that takes care of that. One thing I did a few days back was watch Charlie's Angels--the 2000 movie (yes, I know, old news ). I loved it. Of course, it wasn't a profound testimony by any means but it was entertaining, funny and fast-paced. And of course, the girls were really sexy, especially Lucy. In the unlikely event you haven't seen it yet, do so.

And something that really made me chuckle--taken from Habibee's sister's blog. You see, I LOVE cows. Yes, I know. Crazy, amusing, weird. But I do. Just look at this:

How cute is that!! Well, I love cows and I'm an expert "mooer." I'd add an audio file documenting my talent if it weren't so damn embarrassing for a 25 year old guy to moo!! Anyway, to put this into a saner context, I cannot believe we actually eat these creatures. That is so sad. But blow it, they taste good. Still, if you feel guilty, click below to assuage it.

Later, everyone. Shalom and be good.

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