Shomer HaZikaron - שומר הזיכרון
In honor and tribute to Israel's first hero since the Zealots of the Matzadah, Prime Minister Gen. Dr. ARIEL SHARON (Sh"lyta)


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Proof: Media ARE Racist; New Kind of News!

Posted on: Saturday, September 11, 2004

We have long been saying that a lot of the world media are anti-Semitic. No, not just because they spend half the Amazon rainforest's worth of paper reporting the death of a 14 year old Palestinian male while hardly mentioning one of the 1,500 refugees being murdered daily in Sudan. No, not just because they use all the sophistry, manipulation and warped morality in the world to justify someone's actively seeking out areas with the highest concentration of unsuspecting civilians to blow up in supposed pursuit of "freedom". And no, not EVEN just because they cry MASSACRE (by Tzahal, naturally) when there isn't one and then don't have the decency to apologize. No, not just those. But if they do not convince you the media are blatantly hypocritical--in the anti-Semitic way--the following should disabuse you of all doubt:
Q: When is a lynch not a lynch? A: When the lynching is done by Palestinians.
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* * *

And a blink-and-you'll-miss-it piece of news* from Pakistan. The Pakistani army bombed a supposed al-Qu'ida teaining camp and killed no fewer than (50) "fighters"/"militants" (basically: terrorists). Now, remember when a day earlier Tzahal bombed a Chamas assault course and adjacent Chamas "office" and wasted 14--by Chamas' own admission--terrorists? Remember how it was plastered all across TV news and newspapers, with an emphasis on the 30 wounded "bystanders"? It seems any army in the world can kill as many terrorists as they please with perhaps a cursory mention if the day isn't too busy. Just make sure it's not the ISRAELI Army or else you'll be hearing about ti all day long. If it weren't so sad, it would be fucking ridiculous.

* Blink-and-you'll-miss-it news, you know: one that involves war and death. But since it no Jews are part of the story (ie. doing the warring or killing), the "fair" and "concerned" media don't give a shit. The bleeding hearts bleed only if the perpetrators are Jews. That's why the Internet, TV and newspapers are awash with news and accompanying Op-Ed venom when Tzahal goes into Palestinian refugee camps to look for terrorists who very courageously hide among the inhabitants but you'll hear nothing about police and Syrian paramilitary incursions in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. You'll also hear nothing when two dozen refugees die in inter-factional warring in those refugee camps but if Tzahal kills even one Palestinian in the course of a necessary military operation, especially a child [anyone below the age of what...25], it'll be all over the place. I'll write more about this hypocrisy next week.

Have a shavua tov and shalom.

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