Shomer HaZikaron - שומר הזיכרון
In honor and tribute to Israel's first hero since the Zealots of the Matzadah, Prime Minister Gen. Dr. ARIEL SHARON (Sh"lyta)


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Tidbits from Tzion

Posted on: Thursday, August 26, 2004

Shalom, shalom. Interesting news from Eretz Yisrael yesterday.

First, Duvdevan and Tzahal forces apprehended the Fatach-Tanzim terrorist leader of Beit Lechem and his aide who were wanted for carrying out several homicide bombings in the past couple of years The two were seized at the Holy Family maternity hospital where they had also hidden a large cache of weapons, consisting of machine guns, AK-47s, rifles with telescopic sights, a huge amount of ammunition, cellphones and assorted paraphernalia. This just to remind all the Jew-haters out there who cry murder when we operate against hospitals that hospitals, as well as ambulances, are very actively used by terrorists in their genocidal deeds. Congratulations to Shabak for another job well done.

Then Egyptian military forces uncovered and assisted in obliterating two weapons-smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Aza. It looks like even the Egyptians have had enough of Palestinian terrorist antics. And of course, now there's proof from "the other side" that Tzahal's operations earlier this year in Rafach when Palestinian property was demolished in the search for such tunnels was no a sadistic rampage but a genuine military operation.

MEMRI brings us an interesting translation of an interview with Dr. Sa'ad bin Tefla (former Kuwaiti journalist and comms minister) in which he talks about the Arab culture and its putative propensity of violence. If you don't read anything else this week, this is well worth it; only a few paragraphs. Dr. bin Tefla reminisces about the civil strife in Algeria and pre-war Iraq which claimed hundreds of times more victims than the casualties the Palestinians sustained in the self-initiated "intifada". He reasons that this shows that the "occupation" and Zionism cannot logically be the source of violence and deprecation of the value of life in the Arab society. He could also have mentioned the massacre in Chama when the Syrians offed as many fellow Arabs (almost all civilians) in twenty-odd days than Israel killed as collateral damage in almost four years. Or the Black September when 15,000 Palestinians were murdered by the Hashemite Jordanian forces. Well, it took four decades for an Arab to say what Dr. bin Tefla did but hey, better late than never, right. After all, the Europeans were slaughtering each other for over a millennium before the EU was formed and, with it, peace brought permanently to that continent.

And finally, young Gal Fridman won gold yesterday in the wind-surfing competition at the Athens Olympics. It is Israel's very first Olympic gold. Mazel tov, Gal! The first gold medal at a major tournament was won for Israel by pole vaulter Alex Averbukh a couple of years ago at the European Athletics Championships. Poignantly, the ETA took place in Muenchen (Munich) thirty years following the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes by Arab terrorists in that very place. As the flag of the State of Israel was being raised to the tune of HaTiqvah, it is difficult to conjure up the emotions that must have been swelling in Alex. He will be competing in the pole-vault finals tomorrow so we wish him bonne chance!

Next time: how the chairman Arafat's Palestinian authority calculatedly libels Jews and brainwashes its people into anti-Semitism.


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