Shomer HaZikaron - שומר הזיכרון
In honor and tribute to Israel's first hero since the Zealots of the Matzadah, Prime Minister Gen. Dr. ARIEL SHARON (Sh"lyta)


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Beer-Sheva Bombing, Reactions, "Spying" "Scandal"

Posted on: Wednesday, September 01, 2004

A double homicide bombing was perpetrated yesterday in Beer-Sheva claiming sixteen innocent lives, including that of a three year old child (HY"D), and injuring tens more. The terrorist animals sneaked into Israel from Chevron and thru the border between Yesha and Israel where the anti-terrorist barrier has not yet been completed. Leaving aside the bestiality and cowardice of this act, it is of interest to note several germane aspects. Firstly, there's only been pro forma mention of the attack in the world media which preferred to concentrate on the terrorist attack on the Moscow subway which claimed significantly fewer victims. Those who did mention the bombing also managed to squeeze in the report of a fourteen year old Palestinian male who had been killed in Tzahal's operations in southern Aza pertaining to weapons- and terrorist-smuggling tunnels. Need one even begin to wonder what the situation would have been if sixteen Palestinians had been killed by Israel in a single operation, even if it happened accidentally? If in doubt, just wait for all the mandatory swooning at the news that Tzahal has demolished the houses of the terrorists' families or established more machsomim or imposed curfews... And secondly, this for an umpteenth time proves that the barrier is invaluable and essential, and that its completion has to be expedited as much as possible.

In response to the atrocity Lt. Gen. Moshe Yaalon stated that the PA, Chizbolah and Syria had better watch their backs. Even I, who was vehemently opposed to the war in Iraq, am now starting to side with the US war on terror. It is inexcusable that this pariah state Syria which has flagrantly been sponsoring terrorism, coups, genocide and breached international law like a pro for several decades with total impunity continue doing so, should sit on the UN human rights committee or its Security Council (while Israel is literally the only country in the world which is not allowed to do so). Chamas, Chizbolah and other terrorist outfits have walk-in offices in the center of Damascus as well as training camps in other parts of Syria, one of which was bombed to smithereens by the IAF last year. Enough is enough. We have to go after Syria, eliminate Iran's nuclear efforts, conduct operations in Lebanon again and do everything we can to ensure (a) our safety and (b) that our enemies--largely an assortment of primitive tyrannies--are under no illusions that they can kill a single Jew and get away with it. Six decades of constant war, of being unable to go out of your house without the threat of death hanging over your head have been enough. NO other people on this planet would stand for it and neither will we. It's time for decisive action. If the Europeans don't like it, tough shit. They're chummy with Arab dictators so now is the time to tell them in no uncertain terms to get their act together. If not, fuck them, the former and the latter. What right do the Europeans have to sermonize about humanity to us of all people anyway?

Oh, and remember the brouhaha of a few days ago when it was supposedly discovered that a US Defense Department official was "spying" for Israel? Well, it turns out the FBI conducting the investigation are struggling to find any Israeli facet to it all and are becoming increasingly desperate. Read the latest HaAretz report. The Bush administration must heed the call by the Anti-Defamation League and hold a public inquiry to determine who the malefactor is behind this slanderous allegation.

Incidentally, I am on something of a vacation now in Germany so forgive me if my installments are short or infrequent.


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