Shomer HaZikaron - שומר הזיכרון
In honor and tribute to Israel's first hero since the Zealots of the Matzadah, Prime Minister Gen. Dr. ARIEL SHARON (Sh"lyta)


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Are Terrorists Courageous; Incident in Auschwitz

Posted on: Wednesday, September 08, 2004

With increasing frequency homicide bombers--that is to say, terrorists who effect suicide in the course of carrying out an attack on civilians--are extolled as courageous and noble people, driven to their deeds by desperation, willing to forfeit their own lives in the name of a cause or better life. I've received a couple of e-mails lambasting my description of these humanoids as "chickenshit cowards"; arguments to a similar effect as above were employed, too. So, let's see this more up close and personal: ARE homicide bombers such as those who blew up two buses packed with civilians a few days ago in Beer-Sheva or who even more recently murdered 500 people (half of them primary school children) in Beslan, in the Russian province of North Ossetia brave and virile heroes or indeed chickenshit pussies?

Let's say you're a Palestinian in your late teens or twenties. For the past ten years your daily activities have consisted of kicking your heels, twiddling your thumbs, attending mass rallies where you had the chance to perfect your rendition of the "Itbakh al-Yahud" chant and perhaps watching TV replenished with programs as depicted on the PMW website. You may have gotten married at the age of 17 have five kids by now... - or, just as likely, never had a girlfriend because such a thing is looked askance on in your society. The prospects of your life changing to any significant degree are close to nil. At the same time it is unremittingly being inculcated into you that death is not something to be eschewed, something not to think about until nature takes its course. No: death--especially one incurred while executing a terrorist act against your enemies (and yes, a bus full of schoolgirls does very well qualify as an enemy target, much more so than an army watchtower)--means an instant rapture with your god, access to a multitude of virgins, comforts and whatnot. It also means that your family will be provided for adequately and your name will become sacred to millions. So, if you combine all these factors, it is not at all difficult to see that choosing the "glorious" death of a "martyr" is far preferable to continuing with your ever glummer life.

And then we come to the tactics you use. Do you go down assaulting an army convoy, watchtower or barracks; kidnapping some high-ranking officer; blowing up a machsom WHEN THERE ARE FEW, IF ANY, CIVILIANS AROUND; breaking your comrades out of detention/prison? I'm not talking Rambo stuff here; just what the French Resistance or Partisans did a few decades ago. And remember, THEY were people who had comfortable lives and good prospects of continuing to have comfortable lives. And yet, they exchanged them for lonely, muddy trenches, austerity, separation from family and a good prospect of getting themselves killed. I repeat: they did not travel for tens of miles to reach civilian centers while overlooking military targets staring them in the face. They did not very actively and deliberately seek out places of the highest concentration of civilians to attack. They did not blow up busses, ballrooms and delicatessen in Berlin and Bonn. And THAT is the difference between guerilla warfare and chickenshit, murderous terrorism of the kind that Israel's enemies employ. It's not honorable, it's not clever and it's not courageous. It's comparable to what pedophiles do to children: prey on the vulnerable, destroy lives of the innocent. Chamas, Chizbolah and other pussies may as well start mugging elderly ladies.

* * *

An outrageous event took place in Auschwitz recently. A visiting group of Jewish students was attacked by three French individuals, also apparently visitors. Read the full article from JPost here. It's a good job I was not there because I swear, I would've lynched these motherfuckers with my bare hands. I repeat my exhortation of a few months ago: every member of Klal Yisrael must arm themselves and not run away from those presuming to harm us. At the very least, obtain pepper spray and a stun gun AND USE THEM IF NECESSARY. If we cannot be safe in Israel, cannot be safe outside Israel, cannot be safe in Auschwitz of all places, then the time has unmistakably come for each and every one of us to fight back. We must never again let a goy humiliate us or abuse us.

Kol tuv.

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