© COPYRIGHT: Michael L. S. -- 2004, 2005, 2006
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- Of Qadimah...
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- L'orgie en France
- To Katherine:
- RE: The Day of Atonement Farce
- Bush's Support Drops...
- I hate to tell you "I told you so"...
- הימים הנוראים
- Hava nagilah!!
The New Taliban
Posted on: Sunday, December 04, 2005
"The New Taliban"... Well, the old Taliban are still very much around, despite the US' halfassed professed attempts to "introduce" democracy in Afghanistan. Afghanistan--outside of Qabul but not even there anymore--is even more unsafe and unstable now than before the righteous American intervention there four years ago. So much for the seriousness and dedication of the "war on terror."
But anyway, we're talking about the Talibs' neighbors across the western border: Iran. For those somehow not in the know, Iran (headed by "president" Ahmadinejad) in recent times made several pompous statements and ill-advised moves. A few weeks ago, Ahmadinejad averred that Israel should be "wiped off the map." The jerkoff had evidently forgotten that we were the ones with the capability of wiping entities off maps, not he or his pathetic fiefdom.
As an aside, his vomit sparked waves of protests across Europe, most notably in Italy. That was quite a prominent event because to get tens of thousands of people in a European city out on the streets in support of haAretz in 2005 is a huge achievement and of tremendous significance. Grazie ancor'una volta, amici.
But this came against the backdrop of Iran's accelerated bids to acquire nuclear weapons. They've been modernizing their existing and building new nuclear power plants like nobody's business, and have been extremely furtive about this enterprise. They've been giving the finger to the IAEA for many months and getting Russian and Chinese help in furthering their nefarious endeavors. All attempts to resolve the matter diplomatically have failed. And yet, even the US--which was so quick to entangle itself in the Iraq fiasco--is pussyfooting around, threatening to refer Iran to this one and to that one and to impose sanctions and blah-blah-blah... All the while the mo-fos in Teh'ran can see clearly that they are being allowed to get away with conspiracy to mass murder and yesterday announced that they are to go ahead with the commission of TWENTY new nuclear plants, two of which will be in operation in three months' time!
Our Rosh haMateh haKlali stated this morning that he was "skeptical" about the effectivity of diplomatic pressure. Well, that's one way of putting it... The Iranian "foreign minister" though paid no attention to the niceties of diplomatic parlance and wasted no time spewing more bile in response:
"Zionist authorities are well aware that if they make a foolish mistake against Iran, Iran's harsh response will be destructive and determined" (full article).
This is simply inadmissible. Iran is not some poxy terror organization trying to gain notoriety nor is Ahmadinejad a village chieftain with little accountability or responsibility. This kind of Iran is not and cannot be a member of the international community of nations. And if an entity isolates itself from the standards and norms of its enveloping society, but insists on threatening members of that society, then it is meet that it should be put in its place in no uncertain terms. A situation in which Iran would have nuclear weapons is absolutely unacceptable. There is no drawing comparisons between Iran and the USA or--speculatively--Israel because no other possessor of nuclear armaments has ever adopted the rhetoric and nonchalance vis-a-vis the rest of the world as Iran has. No other regime is as capricious or empirically reckless as that of Iran. And hence Iran has to be dealt with, and obviously so militarily. Options range from a sonic boom above Teh'ran, to cancelling Ahmadinejad, to sabotaging or destroying Iran's nuclear operations. I understand the relevant authorities are working on it.
In the meantime, the Palestinians in Aza seem to have nothing to do since Tzaha"l left and have been launching Qassams across the border all day long. Then they'll scream blue murder when we retaliate. It's depressing how they are so successfully vindicating the claims of the most racist and despicable elements in Klal Yisrael, that the occupation is ("was", when talking about Aza!) not the problem and that they want a destruction of Israel rather than an end of the occupation. How is it possible that the world is so replete with assholes; or, at least, that they seem to be running the show??
I'll write about that love problem later this week...
(For Schwartz--and the survey said: DING! Romanian ...
But nothing compared to S. )
Posted on: Sunday, December 04, 2005
"The New Taliban"... Well, the old Taliban are still very much around, despite the US' halfassed professed attempts to "introduce" democracy in Afghanistan. Afghanistan--outside of Qabul but not even there anymore--is even more unsafe and unstable now than before the righteous American intervention there four years ago. So much for the seriousness and dedication of the "war on terror."
But anyway, we're talking about the Talibs' neighbors across the western border: Iran. For those somehow not in the know, Iran (headed by "president" Ahmadinejad) in recent times made several pompous statements and ill-advised moves. A few weeks ago, Ahmadinejad averred that Israel should be "wiped off the map." The jerkoff had evidently forgotten that we were the ones with the capability of wiping entities off maps, not he or his pathetic fiefdom.
As an aside, his vomit sparked waves of protests across Europe, most notably in Italy. That was quite a prominent event because to get tens of thousands of people in a European city out on the streets in support of haAretz in 2005 is a huge achievement and of tremendous significance. Grazie ancor'una volta, amici.
But this came against the backdrop of Iran's accelerated bids to acquire nuclear weapons. They've been modernizing their existing and building new nuclear power plants like nobody's business, and have been extremely furtive about this enterprise. They've been giving the finger to the IAEA for many months and getting Russian and Chinese help in furthering their nefarious endeavors. All attempts to resolve the matter diplomatically have failed. And yet, even the US--which was so quick to entangle itself in the Iraq fiasco--is pussyfooting around, threatening to refer Iran to this one and to that one and to impose sanctions and blah-blah-blah... All the while the mo-fos in Teh'ran can see clearly that they are being allowed to get away with conspiracy to mass murder and yesterday announced that they are to go ahead with the commission of TWENTY new nuclear plants, two of which will be in operation in three months' time!
Our Rosh haMateh haKlali stated this morning that he was "skeptical" about the effectivity of diplomatic pressure. Well, that's one way of putting it... The Iranian "foreign minister" though paid no attention to the niceties of diplomatic parlance and wasted no time spewing more bile in response:
"Zionist authorities are well aware that if they make a foolish mistake against Iran, Iran's harsh response will be destructive and determined" (full article).
This is simply inadmissible. Iran is not some poxy terror organization trying to gain notoriety nor is Ahmadinejad a village chieftain with little accountability or responsibility. This kind of Iran is not and cannot be a member of the international community of nations. And if an entity isolates itself from the standards and norms of its enveloping society, but insists on threatening members of that society, then it is meet that it should be put in its place in no uncertain terms. A situation in which Iran would have nuclear weapons is absolutely unacceptable. There is no drawing comparisons between Iran and the USA or--speculatively--Israel because no other possessor of nuclear armaments has ever adopted the rhetoric and nonchalance vis-a-vis the rest of the world as Iran has. No other regime is as capricious or empirically reckless as that of Iran. And hence Iran has to be dealt with, and obviously so militarily. Options range from a sonic boom above Teh'ran, to cancelling Ahmadinejad, to sabotaging or destroying Iran's nuclear operations. I understand the relevant authorities are working on it.
In the meantime, the Palestinians in Aza seem to have nothing to do since Tzaha"l left and have been launching Qassams across the border all day long. Then they'll scream blue murder when we retaliate. It's depressing how they are so successfully vindicating the claims of the most racist and despicable elements in Klal Yisrael, that the occupation is ("was", when talking about Aza!) not the problem and that they want a destruction of Israel rather than an end of the occupation. How is it possible that the world is so replete with assholes; or, at least, that they seem to be running the show??
I'll write about that love problem later this week...
(For Schwartz--and the survey said: DING! Romanian ...
But nothing compared to S. )