Shomer HaZikaron - שומר הזיכרון
In honor and tribute to Israel's first hero since the Zealots of the Matzadah, Prime Minister Gen. Dr. ARIEL SHARON (Sh"lyta)


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Bush's Support Drops...

Posted on: Saturday, October 15, 2005
ב''ה 39 per-cent. Wanna bet there'll be another al-Qu'ida attack on the US soon?

And in another snippet of news Kharedim attack Tzahal Brig.-Gen. at haKotel. My disgust (rapidly turning into rage) with the duplicitous datim is swelling by the day.

Will be posting some photos from our Kol Nidrey here soon--under this post.

UPDATE: Unfortunately, someone important to me wasn't there to be included in the photos at Kol Nidrey but here they are!

Dining hall in Plzeň before the Rosh haShanah seudah (yes, that IS me on a very bad hair-day!)

And from another angle

The rabi (left) and two local functionaries

The MC! (And a nice pair of legs )

Season's foodstuff at the ŽOP restaurant

Before Kol Nidrey at the Pinchas shul

From a different perspective

The bimah and Ar"K in front of it (the far right of the photo)

From the back

Shabat shalom.

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