© COPYRIGHT: Michael L. S. -- 2004, 2005, 2006
NO content of these pages may be used without my prior consent.
- And Part V of How To Talk To An Israel-Hater!
- How To Talk To An Israel-Hater IV
- How To Talk To An Israel-Hater III
- How To Talk To An Israel-Hater II
- Yom Kippur
- Correspondence Sequel
- New Year; A Gift From Me; Go Arik - Go Arik!!
- More on Settlers
- Proof: Media ARE Racist; New Kind of News!
- ARABS FOR ISRAEL; Outrage from rabis; And some goo...
Achille Lauro; "Xian Zionists"; UNRWA Pussies
Posted on: Friday, October 08, 2004
Shalom aleichem! Yesterday was the 19th anniversary of Palestinian terrorists' hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro. Four terrorists hijacked the cruiseliner (filled, true to form, with civilians and tourists at that) and demanded their terrorist comrades held in prison in Eretz Yisrael and elsewhere be released. They shot a wheelchair-bound passenger and drove him overboard into the sea. His name was Leon Klinghoffer (HY"D). The terrorists released other hostages in return for safe passage offered by Egypt. However, their airplane was forced by the USAF to land in Sicily and they were arrested. Three of the terrorists and seven accomplices were convicted and sentenced to jail. However, the perpetrators have been out since either being paroled or jumping parole in 1991. They are not believed to be posing any threat. Their leader Mohamad Abas absconded (with the help from the Italian authorities) and was finally apprehended in Iraq last year (at least one good thing came out of the US invasion). He died in custody this spring (Y"ShU) of, it is said, natural causes. However, as in the case of Mohamad Farah Aidid, take that with a pinch of salt.
* * *
And a few days ago Xians calling themselves Zionists held a march in Yerushalayim in support of Israel, and not just any Israel but even Eretz Yisra'el, to be sure. Read more in HaAretz. What's my problem here? Several. Firstly, I abhor these people or, more accurately, what they stand for, propagate and HOW they propagate it. Having had the displeasure of being intimately acquainted with them, I do not err in saying they are some of the most intolerant, bigoted, opinionated, self-righteous and aggressive people that exist. All that holds them back from emulating the 9/11 terrorists is a verse in their Bible. They are already happily bombing abortion clinics all over the US.
Secondly, because they are such vocal supporters of Israel in the US, a lot of Jews in the US are feeling impelled to adopt some of these nutters' political ideas for fear of offending and alienating them. There has been a frightening surge in Jews spewing the worst kind of neo-conservative bullshit there's out there. A great many of them also actively work for the Bush administration... - and not doing a Jonathan Pollard either. A neo-conservative Jew is the most vomit-inducing sight there is. Well, maybe seeing Arafat talking about a genuine desire for peace comes before... - but this comes a close second. Besides, it's not as if these people are friends of the Jews. They are convinced we're all going to fry down there on their god's big barbecue. The only reason they support Israel is that they hate Muslims so much they are able to put their disgust with Jews aside for the moment. Sure, Pat Robertson doesn't want Yerushalayim in Arab instead of Israeli hands but he would be infinitely happier if it were in evangelicals', ie. Xian, hands. You can get a good taste of both my points if you look at this single statement he made: "[...] Robertson warned that some Muslims were trying to foil '[g]od's plan' to let Israel hold on to its lands."
And lastly, Israel is messed up enough politically with religious zealots as it is. We do not need goyim to give those nutcases more munition. Who the fuck is Pat Robertson to denigrate Dr. Sharon's disengagement plan?! Yes, OK, I'm being very intolerant here myself. It's just that these people really get up my nose, especially when they shtick THEIR noses into business which doesn't concern them and where they make more trouble than worth. Should we decry them publicly? I don't think so. We should be grateful we have allies, no matter who they are. But we must bear in mind they're no more than useless idiots.
* * *
And lastly, the UN... - or more precisely, the UNRWA: the agency supposedly responsible for relieving the Palestinians' humanitarian predicaments. It's part of the UN and is supposed to be entirely neutral. However, per its director's own admission, this agency employs (pays!) member of Chamas! And since it itself is financed by world governments, it means that world governments are essentially paying the salaries of Chamas terrorists. When this came to light the Canadians expressed "concern." Of course, the Canadians won't do shit about it. Remember, that is a country that constantly lambasts Israel and votes against us at the UN. Also, they do not want to give charitable status to Magen David Adom because it "operates in the territories." Of course, unlike the UNRWA ambulances, MDA is in the business of actually saving people, not transporting terrorists and bombs, but we won't let that obstruct the Canadians' perspective.
On top of the above, its chairman, Peter Hansen who, also, is meant to be neutral is a blatant Israel-hater. He is the individual who crucified Israel a couple of years ago during the Operation Defensive Shield, accusing us of committing a massacre. Some of his pearls are: "the Jenin camp residents lived through a human catastrophe that have few parallels in recent history" or "bodies piling up" in "mass graves" which he "saw with [his] own eyes." These are both pathetic lies disproved long ago. However, just as that prick Fisk, Hansen has not apologized either for promulgating anti-Semitic lies. He also admitted that Chamas terrorists were on his organization's payroll and added that he did not see anything wrong with that. The guy is a monumental asshole. Anyway, the point is that Israel has had enough of these clowns and has asked Kofi Anan to investigate UNRWA. Nothing will come of it but my point is, again, that those who think they have it all figured out about the Middle East--our doublestandards.com Cliffy included--should realize why Israel doesn't give a fuck about the UN. And this is just the latest in an avalanche of examples.
Speaking of Cliffy, the next installment of our exchange will follow in my next post.
Have a shabat shalom!
Posted on: Friday, October 08, 2004
Shalom aleichem! Yesterday was the 19th anniversary of Palestinian terrorists' hijacking of the cruise ship Achille Lauro. Four terrorists hijacked the cruiseliner (filled, true to form, with civilians and tourists at that) and demanded their terrorist comrades held in prison in Eretz Yisrael and elsewhere be released. They shot a wheelchair-bound passenger and drove him overboard into the sea. His name was Leon Klinghoffer (HY"D). The terrorists released other hostages in return for safe passage offered by Egypt. However, their airplane was forced by the USAF to land in Sicily and they were arrested. Three of the terrorists and seven accomplices were convicted and sentenced to jail. However, the perpetrators have been out since either being paroled or jumping parole in 1991. They are not believed to be posing any threat. Their leader Mohamad Abas absconded (with the help from the Italian authorities) and was finally apprehended in Iraq last year (at least one good thing came out of the US invasion). He died in custody this spring (Y"ShU) of, it is said, natural causes. However, as in the case of Mohamad Farah Aidid, take that with a pinch of salt.

* * *
And a few days ago Xians calling themselves Zionists held a march in Yerushalayim in support of Israel, and not just any Israel but even Eretz Yisra'el, to be sure. Read more in HaAretz. What's my problem here? Several. Firstly, I abhor these people or, more accurately, what they stand for, propagate and HOW they propagate it. Having had the displeasure of being intimately acquainted with them, I do not err in saying they are some of the most intolerant, bigoted, opinionated, self-righteous and aggressive people that exist. All that holds them back from emulating the 9/11 terrorists is a verse in their Bible. They are already happily bombing abortion clinics all over the US.
Secondly, because they are such vocal supporters of Israel in the US, a lot of Jews in the US are feeling impelled to adopt some of these nutters' political ideas for fear of offending and alienating them. There has been a frightening surge in Jews spewing the worst kind of neo-conservative bullshit there's out there. A great many of them also actively work for the Bush administration... - and not doing a Jonathan Pollard either. A neo-conservative Jew is the most vomit-inducing sight there is. Well, maybe seeing Arafat talking about a genuine desire for peace comes before... - but this comes a close second. Besides, it's not as if these people are friends of the Jews. They are convinced we're all going to fry down there on their god's big barbecue. The only reason they support Israel is that they hate Muslims so much they are able to put their disgust with Jews aside for the moment. Sure, Pat Robertson doesn't want Yerushalayim in Arab instead of Israeli hands but he would be infinitely happier if it were in evangelicals', ie. Xian, hands. You can get a good taste of both my points if you look at this single statement he made: "[...] Robertson warned that some Muslims were trying to foil '[g]od's plan' to let Israel hold on to its lands."
And lastly, Israel is messed up enough politically with religious zealots as it is. We do not need goyim to give those nutcases more munition. Who the fuck is Pat Robertson to denigrate Dr. Sharon's disengagement plan?! Yes, OK, I'm being very intolerant here myself. It's just that these people really get up my nose, especially when they shtick THEIR noses into business which doesn't concern them and where they make more trouble than worth. Should we decry them publicly? I don't think so. We should be grateful we have allies, no matter who they are. But we must bear in mind they're no more than useless idiots.
* * *
And lastly, the UN... - or more precisely, the UNRWA: the agency supposedly responsible for relieving the Palestinians' humanitarian predicaments. It's part of the UN and is supposed to be entirely neutral. However, per its director's own admission, this agency employs (pays!) member of Chamas! And since it itself is financed by world governments, it means that world governments are essentially paying the salaries of Chamas terrorists. When this came to light the Canadians expressed "concern." Of course, the Canadians won't do shit about it. Remember, that is a country that constantly lambasts Israel and votes against us at the UN. Also, they do not want to give charitable status to Magen David Adom because it "operates in the territories." Of course, unlike the UNRWA ambulances, MDA is in the business of actually saving people, not transporting terrorists and bombs, but we won't let that obstruct the Canadians' perspective.
On top of the above, its chairman, Peter Hansen who, also, is meant to be neutral is a blatant Israel-hater. He is the individual who crucified Israel a couple of years ago during the Operation Defensive Shield, accusing us of committing a massacre. Some of his pearls are: "the Jenin camp residents lived through a human catastrophe that have few parallels in recent history" or "bodies piling up" in "mass graves" which he "saw with [his] own eyes." These are both pathetic lies disproved long ago. However, just as that prick Fisk, Hansen has not apologized either for promulgating anti-Semitic lies. He also admitted that Chamas terrorists were on his organization's payroll and added that he did not see anything wrong with that. The guy is a monumental asshole. Anyway, the point is that Israel has had enough of these clowns and has asked Kofi Anan to investigate UNRWA. Nothing will come of it but my point is, again, that those who think they have it all figured out about the Middle East--our doublestandards.com Cliffy included--should realize why Israel doesn't give a fuck about the UN. And this is just the latest in an avalanche of examples.
Speaking of Cliffy, the next installment of our exchange will follow in my next post.
Have a shabat shalom!