Shomer HaZikaron - שומר הזיכרון
In honor and tribute to Israel's first hero since the Zealots of the Matzadah, Prime Minister Gen. Dr. ARIEL SHARON (Sh"lyta)


      Name:     Michael L. S.   [E-Mail]
      Website:  Middle East Resource Center

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Is Javier Solana a Colonialist; Aza Incident

Posted on: Sunday, July 25, 2004

Difficult to believe this but it's true: Javier Solana came on a visit to Israel and said the following: "The European Union is a very important international power and is going to play a role here, whether you like it or not."  Wonderful; like a true colonialist pig.

Mr. Solana is the European Union's foreign and security minister.  His comment comes only a few days after the EU had voted against Israel at the UNGA concerning an extraordinarily vituperative and tendentious resolutions berating Israel's erection of the security barrier.   As big a fan of the EU as I am, Solana can shove his arrogance and imperious pomp up his ass.  Even leaving aside Europe's treatment of Klal Yisrael--from the early Roman and Spanish Moor days to Hitler and modern-day conspiracy theorists, neo-Nazis and other morons--this type of statement is just breathtaking.

No, Solana, you will NOT play a role in the Middle East peace process if we don't want you to, any more than we will unilaterally tell the teabags what to do in Ireland or your own Spaniards in Ceuta.  You will either treat Israel as an equal or you can bugger off and try to lord it over the new EU states whom you're treating like second-class members.  Why SHOULD we let the EU play any part in the ME process?  A few days ago they sided with the most brutal and despicable regimes on the planet to castigate Israel for building the security barrier.  In the highest international forum Solana's EU took the position that the inconvenience of Palestinians takes precedence over saving even a single life from terrorist attacks.  Does that denote even-handedness, level-headedness, integrity and sound values?  I don't think so.  And would you want such an actor to tell YOU what to do?  Didn't think so either.

* * *

And in Aza things are by no means dying down.  Arafat is in his stubbornness still refusing to implement any kind of meaningful reforms preferring instead, true to fashion of all half-senile despots, to cling on to absolute power for as long as he possibly can.  (BTW, I came across a brilliant article which I highly recommend you read.  It was published by a Lebanon(!) newspaper and is entitled "Gaza's crisis mirrors wider Palestinian and Arab failures".)  That this kind of attitude has been screwing the Palestinians for decades and is doing so much more now does not matter.  Especially not to the EU.  Hasn't Solana's silence on the recent events in the PA been deafening?  But then, it's not acceptable to criticize the Palestinians anymore--just Jews under the guise of criticizing Israel--so that's OK.

Speaking of silence, have any of mainstream media carried the report of the following incident: "Palestinian terrorists shot and killed a 15-year-old Arab boy in Beit Hanoun this morning, after he and his family objected to the placing of Kassam rocket launchers outside their home. The boy and other members of his family, seeing the terrorist cell arrive, "greeted" them with sticks and stones in an attempt to banish them. The terrorists responded with gunfire that killed the teenager and also wounded five others. After the murder, the terrorists loaded up their weapons and fled the scene. PA sources first accused Israeli forces of having killed the boy. The Israeli Defense Forces recently circulated an Arabic-language leaflet in Gaza, calling on residents not to allow Kassam launchers to operate in their midst."

Now, if Tzahal had killed a fifteen-year-old for throwing stones can you even BEGIN to imagine the brouhaha it would've evinced from the media?  The outrage, the indignation, the condemnation, the sympathy...  It just proves the two things I've always said: (1) a Palestinian life is only worth a second thought if an ISRAELI takes it, and (2) to the goyim the only good Jew could ever be a cowed Jew.  If we kill anyone, even in self-defense, we are the bad guys.  What little sympathy some of the world had for us in the wake of haShoah has evaporated and it's now back to Jew-bashing full force.  An enemy of Jews is right only by virtue of it being the Jews on the other side.  Syria is one of the most repugnant regimes on earth and has sponsored terrorism like an MNC sponsors a basketball match.  There are terrorist organization offices and training camps all over Syria.  But the IAF dared to bomb one of those camps some months ago, and guess who got a mouthful.  And it doesn't matter that it's always been the Palestinians who started and perpetuated the conflict.  It doesn't matter that they've utilized their entire firepower to kill the Israeli civilian population en masse whereas any civilian Palestinian casualties at our hands are almost always collateral damage and the result of Palestinian terrorist tactics (eg. supra: placing rocket launchers in a civilian neighborhood).  No, none of it matters: it's Jews on the other side so the first side must be right.  Well, fuck you.  So the world hates us, see if we give a shit.  Never again will we go helpless to the gas chambers.  Never again.

But the above does have a positive undercurrent.  Could it signify that the Palestinians have finally awakened and started opposing use of their homes, streets and neighborhoods for terrorist activities.  Can they have seen that those homes and streets being then inevitably demolished by our Army is not worth it?  Can they even have seen that terrorism itself is not worth it and is not the way forward?  Well, we can hope.  Getting shot and wounded for telling terrorists to take a hike didn't help in this respect but if more Palestinians mustered the courage to do the same, things would change.

Have a shavua tov and shalom.

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